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New applications for Summer Schools

Foto del escritor: COF Alumni USBCOF Alumni USB

Actualizado: 17 feb 2020

2020 just started and there is bunch of Open Call for Summer Schools in different fields that can be fruitful for the Undergrad students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar. Take a look and contact us ( if you need any help with your application!

Summer schools are a unique opportunity to have an abroad experience in scientific research whatever is your field of interest (Particle Physics, Condensed Matter, Quantum Information, Cosmology, Theoretical Physics...)

“A los miembros de COF les diría que ¡No duden en aplicar! Yo hice varios intentos y cada uno de ellos me dió experiencia para mejorar haciendo aplicaciones. Luego fui seleccionada para ser miembro del programa de verano del CERN y ha sido una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida!!!” - Carmen Villalba ( Master student at Universität Hamburg)

  • Particle Physics

In the field of High Energy Physics (HEP) there is a great effort of top institutions like CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research ) in France-Switzerland and DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) in Germany to teach, train and prepare physicists in the study of the formation of the universe. Experimentalist and theorist have a chance to have a first taste of doing research in this area in the summer schools, where not only will take lectures from active researchers on the topic, but also they will have a chance to develop their own summer project.


DESY Summer School: [Deadline: 3/2/2020] (Also Photonics)


  • Quantum Information

In the last 10 years Quantum Information and Quantum Computing has become a hot-trend in physics where the main goal is to build the next generation of quantum devices, such as the Quantum Computer. Even companies like Google Inc., IBM, Microsoft and Intel have a big interest on develop research on this topic. The summer school at the MCQST (Münich Center of Quantum Science & Technology) in Germany and IQC (Institute forQuantum Computing) in Canada are structured in the way that the students will attend to lectures as well as work on a summer project:



  • Astrophysics

"Undergraduate students in physics, astronomy and engineering are invited to participate in the development of gravitational-wave astronomy through the Caltech LIGO Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program. This intensive summer program takes place each year at Caltech or one of the LIGO observatory sites, funded in part through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program of the National Science Foundation. Undergraduate students from all institutions (both U.S. and foreign) are invited to apply to the Caltech LIGO SURF program. Research awards include a summer stipend and some funding for travel to the research site as needed."


"The school aims to provide intensive and thorough course on astrophsyics including theory and observations. The school is not limited to lectures, but will also include daily discussion sessions, problem solving and independent work."



  • Biophysics

Bio-materials is a field that many physicist are interested to study and that also is very important for the development of new technologies. This summer school offer 9-12 weeks of hand-ons experience in laboratories at the universities of Fribourg, Lausanne and Zurich (CH):


Bio-inspired materials: [Deadline: 20/1/2020]


  • Transversal

CERN also have transversal summer programmes, where students with the interest of IT topics can have taste.


Furtherupdates about Summer Schools will be made soon. Stay tuned!

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